Une coiffeuse américaine fait le buzz avec ses coiffures inspirées de la nature… On adore !

Ursula Goff est une star d’Instagram. Coiffeuse au Kansas, aux États-Unis, elle publie ses œuvres d’art sur la toile. Oui vous avez bien lu : des œuvres d’art ! Spécialiste des cheveux aux couleurs improbables, elle s’inspire des éléments de la nature pour colorer ses clientes. Arc-en-ciel, désert, fleurs, galaxie… La coloriste regorge de talents pour représenter ces couleurs qu’on peut trouver autour de nous. On vous laisse admirer le travail :


Throwback #rainbowhair #holographichair #prismhair #pastelhair #metallichair #rainbows #rain

Une publication partagée par Ursula Goff (@uggoff) le 27 Août 2017 à 10h10 PDT

Ursula s’inspire même parfois d’œuvres d’art pour les reproduire à sa manière :


Fine Art Series: Dancer Tilting, by French painter Edgar Degas. Famous for his many paintings of ballerinas and women at work, Degas was a major organizer of the Impressionist movement – even though he hated almost everything the movement stood for and eventually fell out with most of the artists involved with it. He found himself relying on art for his primary income after his father died and he discovered that his brother had an extraordinary amount of debt, forcing Degas to sell off a good portion of his wealthy family’s assets to pay it off. He began putting together Impressionist exhibitions as a means to sell his own art, while also mocking the impressionists’ spontaneous style and tendency to paint outdoors. Degas’ work, while similar in some ways to Impressionism, also took cues from Japanese composition, photography, and extensive study of its subjects – but he still managed to convey a feeling of spontaneity despite his many drafts and meticulous detail in his work. However, his work also bears the trademark bright colors and interesting light schemes of Impressionism, so despite his reluctance to be included in such a group, it is really the description that fits best for his style. What do you guys think – would you ever get involved with something you despise in order to pay your bills? Or are some things more important than money? How do you weight the balance? #art #fineart #degas #dancer #ballerina #impressionism #rainbowhair #unicornhair #braid #modernsalon #behindthechair

Une publication partagée par Ursula Goff (@uggoff) le 11 Févr. 2016 à 9h32 PST

Alors, vous seriez tentées de laisser vos cheveux aux mains de cette coiffeuse ?

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