
Behind the scars, c’est un très beau projet photographique que dévoile l’artiste londonienne Sophie Mayanne, à travers ces clichés et ces histoires, elle aide les personnes photographiées à s’accepter, à se montrer et surtout à s’aimer.

Sophie nous offre une nouvelle définition de la beauté, une beauté qui n’est pas parfaite, qui ne correspond pas aux standards imposés par la société mais qui est propre à chacun.
Les cicatrices peuvent avoir un véritable effet négatif sur ce qu’une personne pense d’elle, elles peuvent venir à bout de sa confiance, tant physique que mentale. Les personnes qui portent des cicatrices ont tendance à tout faire pour les camoufler, dans cette série de photo c’est tout le contraire, les modèles osent et ils sont magnifiques.
En tant que photographe, Sophie a toujours préféré un travail brut, une photo que l’on ne retouche pas et qu’on ne cherche pas à rendre parfaite à tout prix, ce qui explique son intérêt pour les cicatrices. L’artiste a eu des retours très positifs sur son projet, et on ne peut que l’en féliciter. L’expérience du shooting photo peut avoir un effet thérapeutique pour certaines personnes qui se voient autrement qu’à travers leurs propres regards et redécouvrent leurs corps, le sentiment d’insécurité lié aux cicatrices s’envolent un petit peu. Mais ce qu’il y a de plus beau, c’est que ce projet en a aidé d’autres à raconter leur histoire en dévoilant leurs cicatrices.
Selon Sophie, ces photos sont les meilleures et les plus honnêtes qu’elle ait eu l’occasion de prendre.


An out take of the lovely @mbajsb for @girlgazeproject – head to her Instagram for some of her story!

Une publication partagée par SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) le 6 Janv. 2018 à 11 :33 PST


The last few months have been extremely challenging as the condition of my skin as deteriorated massively. From 18 months old when I was diagnosed with epidermolysis bullosa to earlier this year I was able to live an almost normal life despite my skin, it was easy to hide and easy to manage. But earlier this year it started getting rapidly worse and I am now able to do less of the things I once could. My confidence and self esteem is almost non existent most of the time. So much of my day is spent managing my skin or being in pain from it. But now more than ever I need to remind myself that I am still the same old me. I am still beautiful and this condition that I will be lumbered with for the rest of my life, does not define me as a person. It will always be a huge part of my life but i will never let me take over my life. EB is so rare that there is so little awareness for it and in a lot of cases it is life threatening so I’m posting this not only for me but for everyone suffering. Because of the lack of awareness, the funding towards trials and research is so limited that I probably will never access to a cure, as much as that upsets me, I just hope that future children will get access to more treatment and a possible cure. If anyone cares enough to find out more about EB, google search « Debra eb ». I’d also like to thank @sophiemayanne for taking these photos that I am surprisingly so happy with. I felt so comfortable during this shoot and that is not usually the case during shoots, so thank you!!

Une publication partagée par maya (@mbajsb) le 23 Nov. 2017 à 4 :09 PST


#behindthescars Chloe “I started self harming when I was 13 and have struggled with it ever since. The issue with self harming is it gets progressively worse and you end up doing more and more damage to yourself than you think is possible when you first start. It truly is an addiction and you get to a point where surgeons tell you that plastic surgery can’t fix the appearance of the scars, so the only thing you can do is love your scars so much that all the negative connections that come along with self harm slowly disappear – along with all the pain attached to the scars. My scars tell my story, and I’m never going to let anyone else’s thoughts or opinions change that. “ @_chl.o shot on Huawei P10 @huaweimobileuk for @dazed #RevealTheRealYou

Une publication partagée par SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) le 29 Nov. 2017 à 9 :14 PST


#behindthescars Felicity « My body is, and has always been scattered with freckles and moles. Too many to keep track of. Last year I noticed one had changed and seemed darker and more misshapen than before. I saw several doctors, all of whom said it was nothing to worry about – but I pushed to get tested and was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma insitu. Luckily this is the very early stage of skin cancer, so it was caught with plenty of time. It was treated by removing 5mm of skin from the area. At the time I just felt so relieved. However, this summer I again noticed a mole looked darker and misshapen. This time round I was more anxious, stressed and very scared. Again I was diagnosed with a malignant melanoma. This time it was further along in its growth, meaning I had to have 1cm of skin removed. It’s very rare to be diagnosed twice at such a young age, and hearing the world “melanoma” and “cancer” really shook me. I’m so grateful that my skin cancer was caught early – the scars are a small price to pay. They will always be a reminder of how lucky I am, and how short life can potentially be. I would rather have a body adorned with scars, and the hope of a future – than an early death and a flawless corpse.”

Une publication partagée par SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) le 13 Oct. 2017 à 12 :14 PDT


#behindthescars Yasmin “My tumour changed my life in so many ways. A life changing operation to remove the tumour, the size of a grapefruit gave me self acceptance on a level that was truly unconditional. In 2012 I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Cancer wasn’t an issue, what was was the discovery of a huge tumour. It was benign, but sizeable. Attached to my liver, a bunch of nerves and my main artery to my leg. Five hours of surgery, a deflated hung, my diaphragm put on halt, a bypass with my insides out on a table. My fear going into surgery was the long term affects and how my body would recover. Will my boyfriend still love me, will he still find me attractive, will any man find me acceptable to look at? The truth was, it taught me to love myself hard, without compromise. Inside and out, there was a journey of total acceptance. My amazing body had not failed me yet, so who was I to not love it back for keeping me alive? The message is simple – we are provided with a beautiful vessel to carry our soul. It works so hard to support us daily – the love I have for my body is insurmountable. It allows me to be my glorious self – I am a very lucky girl.” @missyasminibrahim

Une publication partagée par SOPHIE MAYANNE (@sophiemayanne) le 9 Déc. 2017 à 5 :08 PST

> article de Loïse DEWILDEMAN 

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